Now Mobile Friendly(-ish)
I've been working on a few C# networking tutorials for the past few weeks, but for the past two days, instead of beginning on the next one (which is about compression), I thought it would be best to spend my time fixing up the underlying HTML & CSS of this site. And in turn make my site a bit more smart device friendly

I learnt how to do web dev back in 2008. Back then you didn't have to worry about smart phones or tablets then. It was common practice to lay out your website using the <table> tag. Now that's considered bad practice. It was a little bit difficult to wrap my head on how to use <div>'s at first to accomplish the look that i wanted, but I think that it works much, MUCH better now.

I still have some CSS I need to clean up for the Tutorials sections; I'll be doing that tomorrow. I'll try to include some toggles to collapse the navigation menu in the near future.
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