Status Update 9

About two weeks ago, I decided to revisit Random Art once more. This time around, I wanted to put it in a browser, so I made a WebGL port. You can write equations in a scheme-like syntax, or generate your own. I was going to use Nim at first, but I opted to try out TypeScript instead. I've heard about this new JavaScript replacement language for quite a bit and I thought it was time to give it a go. It's not bad IMO, but I'm not ready yet to fully commit to it.

In other news, about a month ago I started a daily Japanese practice blog (毎日日本語練習ブログ). I call it 日本語ベン強 (nihongo-benkyou). It's a pun; you won't get it unless you know some of the language. Since February of 2018, I've started taking Japanese classes. Foreign languages have always been an affinity of mine, and I was looking for a new hobby that's not related to tech. I created the blog so I could get some practice writing Japanese. Even if it's not the most correct. So far it's been fun.

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